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Keresés egy archívumra korlátozva: SZTE Doktori Értekezések Repozitórium Korlátozás feloldása

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Korsós Anita

Tartalmi leírás: relevance. Since a high proportion of the critically ill COVID-19 patients are diabetic and/or obese, detailed information

Julesz Máté

Azonosító: Julesz Máté Informal payments and gifts to nurses in Hungary with special reference to the COVID-19 pandemic. Doktori értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem (2000-). (2023)

Nagy Anikó

Azonosító: Nagy Anikó Translating scientific results benefits the community: From pancreatitis to COVID-19. [Disszertáció]

Al-Luhaibi Zaid Isam Issa

Tartalmi leírás: therapeutic options have emerged for the treatment of COVID-19 patients, such as biologics and biotherapeutic agents. ... of SARS-CoV-2 in the feces may facilitate the spread of COVID-19 through fecal-oral transmission and contaminate the

Gedifew Belayneh Taye

Tartalmi leírás: by using the context of African healthcare systems and the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first part of this chapter, I critically ... the worldwide and Sub-Saharan African situations during the COVID-19 pandemic and examine the place of moral principles in the

Stankovic Mona

Azonosító: Stankovic Mona The characteristics of burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Disszertáció]

Kriska Olivér

Tartalmi leírás: conditions, EU membership, refugee migration, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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