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Archívum: Intersections

8 Active Youth? Trends of political participation in East Central Europe
72 Articles
12 Authors’ Biographies
8 Beyond Recognition: Crises of Politics and Representation
8 Beyond Weber
67 Book Reviews
4 Book reviews
6 Case studies
7 Central European Societies on the Map of Europe
1 Data Note
3 Discursive Governance, Populism and Pledges
1 Discussion Note
31 Editorial
6 Ethnic Integration and Interethnic Relations in Schools
5 Europeanization and Changes in Minority Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe
6 Gender Studies in Exile
7 Global Migration Crisis and Europe: Whose crisis is it?
4 Grassroots responses to mass migration in Europe
3 Human Rights and EU Conditionality in the Western Balkans
4 Interview
5 Mobilization through Enemy Images in Central and Eastern Europe
7 New forms of social integration fostering the authoritarian turn in Hungary
5 New questions of children’s rights
3 Paradoxes of populism: Discussion
6 Parenting and the State
4 Passionate Europe. An expressive turn in European parliamentary election campaig
4 Polanyi Revisited: Global Capitalism from an East European Perpective
6 Re-enchantment of culture and flexible citizenship
5 Recognition, Rights, Redistribution. In Honor of Júlia Szalai
5 Research Note
9 Resilience and resistance in illiberal regimes
2 Review Essay
3 Roma Marginalisation, Spatial Policies and Politics
9 Social mobility
3 Societal mechanisms
13 Special Issue
6 Struggles over Europe: Postcolonial East/West Dynamics of Race, Gender and Sexua
4 Symposium on Production of Marginality
4 System-level reflections
5 The Computational Turn in Social Sciences
7 Thematic Section
4 Towards a New Labour History: Eastern European Perspectives
15 Transnational Roma Mobilities
6 Work-life balance/imbalance: Individual, Organizational and Social Experiences